What Is an HTML Element?


What Is an HTML Element?

✍: FYIcenter.com


An HTML element is the basic building block of an HTML document. An HTML element has the following features:

  • An HTML element must have a name.
  • An HTML element may have zero or more attributes.
  • An HTML element may or may not have any content.

Here is a good example of an HTML element:

  <a href="http://dev.fyicenter.com/">FYIcenter.com</a>

The above an HTML element has:

  • A name called "a", which is coded at the beginning of the opening tag.
  • An attribute called "href", which is coded inside the opening tag. It also has a value specified after the "=" sign.
  • A string of text as the content, which is coded between the opening tag and closing tag.


Entering Comments into HTML Documents

HTML Tag and Attribute Syntax

HTML Tag and Attribute Syntax

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