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Reading One Line of Text from a File in PHP
How To Read One Line of Text from a File in PHP?
If you have a text file with multiple lines, and you want to read those lines one line at a time, you can use the fgets() function. It reads the current line up to the "\n" character, moves the file pointer to the next line, and returns the text line as a string. The returning string includes the "\n" at the end. Here is a PHP script example on how to use fgets():
<?php $file = fopen("/windows/system32/drivers/etc/services", "r"); while ( ($line=fgets($file)) !== false ) { $line = rtrim($line); print("$line\n"); # more statements... } fclose($file); ?>
This script will print:
# This file contains port numbers for well-known services echo 7/tcp ftp 21/tcp telnet 23/tcp smtp 25/tcp ...
Note that rtrim() is used to remove "\n" from the returning string of fgets().
⇒ Reading One Character from a File in PHP
⇐ Appending Data to the End of a File in PHP
2016-12-02, 2564🔥, 0💬
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