Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
"docker image rm ..." - Remove All Images
How to remove all images from the Docker Engine with "docker image rm ..." command?
If you have created many images on the Docker Engine and you want to remove them all, you can use the "docker image rm ..." command with a sub-command to specify the list of all image IDs.
1. Run "docker image list --all --quiet" to get a list of all image IDs.
fyicenter$ docker image list --all --quiet 24fc134f1a5a 660f6e09a539 e744e7509b13 07c676e97a34 81c5c69c5fcd
2. Embed the above command into the "docker image rm" command to remove them all.
fyicenter$ docker image rm $(docker image list --all --quiet) 24fc134f1a5a 660f6e09a539 e744e7509b13 07c676e97a34 81c5c69c5fcd
2. Try to list all images. There should be no image left.
fyicenter$ docker image list --all
⇒ "docker image pull" - Pull Image
2021-10-02, 1383🔥, 0💬
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