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Hyplerledger Composer Environment Requirement
What are requirements for installing the a Hyplerledger Composer development environment?
Here are requirements for
installing the a Hyplerledger Composer development environment:
Operating System - Ubuntu Linux 14.04 / 16.04 LTS, or Mac OS 10.12.
Docker Engine - Version 17.03 or higher. Docker Engine is lightweight and powerful open source containerization technology that allows you to run applications as containers in a single process.
Docker Compose - Version 1.8 or higher. Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.
Node.js - Version 8.9 or higher. Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime.
npm - Version v5.x or higher. "nmp" is a JavaScript package manager.
git - Version 2.9.x or higher. "git" is a distributed version control system.
Python - Version 2.7.x or higher. Python is the Python script engine.
For requirements of the latest version of Hyplerledger Composer, see the installation document at
⇒ Install Composer Prerequisites on Ubuntu
⇠Install Hyplerledger Composer Environment
2021-05-04, 943🔥, 0💬
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