EpubCheck 4.0.2 --json Option


What is EpubCheck 4.0.2 "--json" Option?

✍: FYIcenter.com


EpubCheck 4.0.2 "--json" option allows you to generate a JSON output file containing all properties of the EPUB book.

You can try it on Hello-3.0.epub:

C:\fyicenter> java -jar epubcheck-4.0.2\epubcheck.jar --json Hello.json Hello-3.0.epub

No errors or warnings detected.
Epub Name: Hello-3.0.epub
Process duration: 2138ms
epubcheck completed

Then check the JSON output file:

C:\fyicenter>type Hello.json

  "customMessageFileName" : null,
  "checker" : {
    "path" : ".\\Hello-3.0.epub",
    "filename" : "Hello-3.0.epub",
    "checkerVersion" : "4.0.2",
    "checkDate" : "04-01-2018 20:58:29",
    "elapsedTime" : 2138,
    "nFatal" : 0,
    "nError" : 0,
    "nWarning" : 0,
    "nUsage" : 0
  "publication" : {
    "publisher" : null,
    "title" : "Hello",
    "creator" : [ ],
    "date" : "2018-04-01T00:00:00Z",
    "subject" : [ ],
    "description" : null,
    "rights" : null,
    "identifier" : "fyicenter.com.epub.hello",
    "language" : "en-US",
    "nSpines" : 1,
    "checkSum" : 0,
    "renditionLayout" : "reflowable",
    "renditionOrientation" : "auto",
    "renditionSpread" : "auto",
    "ePubVersion" : "3.0.1",
    "isScripted" : false,
    "hasFixedFormat" : false,
    "isBackwardCompatible" : false,
    "hasAudio" : false,
    "hasVideo" : false,
    "charsCount" : 128,
    "embeddedFonts" : [ ],
    "refFonts" : [ ],
    "hasEncryption" : false,
    "hasSignatures" : false,
    "contributors" : [ ]


Introduction of EPUB 3.0 Specification

EpubCheck 4.0.2 --out Option

EPUB Validator - epubcheck.jar

⇑⇑ EPUB Tutorials

2018-11-17, 2378🔥, 0💬