Function Parameters Assigned with Object References


Is it true that all function parameters are assigned with object references in Python?



Yes, all function parameters are assigned with object references in Python. You modify referenced data objects to share data with the calling statement.

Here is a good example of modifying the data object referenced by the parameter:

IndentationError: unexpected indent
>>> def load(name,age,user):
...     profile = {"name":name,"age":age}
...     user["profile"] = profile
>>> guest = {}
>>> load("Joe",25,guest)
>>> guest
{'profile': {'name': 'Joe', 'age': 25}}

Note that both variables "guest" and "user" are referring to the same data object.


Functions Are Objects Too

Variable Scope in Function Definition Statements

Defining Functions in Python

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2018-02-08, 1370🔥, 0💬