Export and Import Docker Image Files


How to Export and Import Docker Image Files?

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you want to move a docker image from another system to run, you can follow this tutorial.

1. Export the Docker image a file on the old system.

fyicenter# docker images
  REPOSITORY    TAG         IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
  fyi/cuda      1           1a4cb45485ee   10 minutes ago  3.91GB
  nvidia/cuda   11.0-base   2ec708416bb8   12 months ago   122MB

fyicenter# docker image save fyi/cuda:1 > fyi_cuda_1.tar 

fyicenter# ls -l *.tar 
  -rwxrwxr-x. 1  3938845696  fyi_cuda_1.tar

2. Import the Docker image file on the new system.

fyicenter# docker image import my_cuda_1.tar my/cuda:2

fyicenter# docker image ls
  REPOSITORY    TAG         IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
  fyi/cuda       2           576a3659a351   19 minutes ago   3.94GB


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2023-02-19, 752🔥, 0💬