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Default core.yaml in Peer Docker Image
What is the Default core.yaml file in Peer Docker Image?
The default core.yaml file in the Peer Docker Image is the default version of core.yaml, which provides settings to control the behavior of the Ledger peer.
If you deploy the Peer Docker container without your own version of core.yaml, the default version in the Peer Docker image will be used.
Here is how to view the default core.yaml file in the Peer Docker image after it's been deployed to the Peer Docker container:
1. Attach a "bash" shell to the Peer Docker container:
$ docker exec -it peer bash root@6e295308755f:/# pwd /
2. View the default core.yaml file:
root@6e295308755f:/# more /etc/hyperledger/fabric/core.yaml # Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved. peer: id: jdoe networkId: dev listenAddress: address: addressAutoDetect: false gomaxprocs: -1 keepalive: minInterval: 60s gossip: bootstrap: useLeaderElection: true orgLeader: false membershipTrackerInterval: 5s tls: enabled: false authentication: timewindow: 15m fileSystemPath: /var/hyperledger/production BCCSP: Default: SW mspConfigPath: msp localMspId: SampleOrg client: connTimeout: 3s deliveryclient: localMspType: bccsp chaincode: id: path: name: builder: $(DOCKER_NS)/fabric-ccenv:latest pull: false golang: car: java: node: startuptimeout: 300s executetimeout: 30s system: cscc: enable lscc: enable escc: enable vscc: enable qscc: enable ledger: blockchain: state: stateDatabase: goleveldb history: enableHistoryDatabase: true ...
⇒ What Is Ledger Peer Operation RESTful API
⇐ Deploy Peer with Default Configuration
2019-05-10, 1202🔥, 0💬
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