Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
Invoke Operation on Chaincode Container
Which chaincode container runs the chaincode invoke operation?
The chaincode "mycc" instance is configured in the BYFN (Build Your First Network) to run in both chaincode containers when one of their peers receives the "Invoke" call.
1. Set up a terminal on the hosting system to follow the log file of the chaincode container linked to "peer0.org1":
$ docker ps --all | grep dev-peer0.org1 cc7aeb60bb85 $ docker logs --tail 10 -f cc7aeb60bb85
2. Set up another terminal on the hosting system to follow the log file of the chaincode container linked to "peer0.org2":
$ docker ps --all | grep dev-peer0.org2 5e2d37a1099f $ docker logs --tail 10 -f 5e2d37a1099f
3. Invoke the chaincode instance from peer0.org1:
$ docker exec -it cli bash bash-4.4# echo $CORE_PEER_ADDRESS bash-4.4# peer chaincode invoke -o --tls true \ --cafile /opt/gopath/src/\ /ordererOrganizations/\ /tlscacerts/ -C mychannel -n mycc \ --peerAddresses --tlsRootCertFiles \ /opt/gopath/src/\ / \ --peerAddresses --tlsRootCertFiles \ /opt/gopath/src/\ / \ -c '{"Args":["invoke","a","b","10"]}' [chaincodeCmd] chaincodeInvokeOrQuery -> INFO 001 Chaincode invoke successful. \ result: status:200
The same message comes out from both chaincode containers linked to peer0.org1 and peer0.org2:
ex02 Invoke Aval = 70, Bval = 230
⇒ CouchDB Container Used in Hyperledger Fabric
⇐ Watch Chaincode Container Log
2020-06-08, 1037🔥, 0💬
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