EPUB 2.0 Metadata - dc:description Element


What is EPUB 2.0 Metadata "dc:description" Element?

✍: FYIcenter.com


EPUB 2.0 Metadata "dc:description" is an optional metadata element to specify a long description of the EPUB 2.0 book.

Here is a good example of a "dc:description" metadata element

     <dc:description>"Row, Row, Row Your Boat" is a popular children's song....</dc:description>

If you want to see an example of "dc:description" metadata, you can download this EPUB 2.0 book, Row-Your-Boat-2.0.epub. Unzip it and open package.opf. You see a "dc:description" metadata element.


EPUB 2.0 Picture Cover Page

EPUB 2.0 Metadata - dc:date Element

EPUB 2.0 Package Metadata

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2019-01-26, 2422🔥, 0💬