What Is EPUB 3.0 Package Metadata


What Is EPUB 3.0 Package Metadata

✍: FYIcenter.com


EPUB 3.0 Package Metadata encapsulates meta information of the EPUB 3.0 book.

Package Metadata, represented by the "metadata" element, is specified as the first required sub-element of the root "package" element in an EPUB 3.0 package file like package.opf:

<package ...>
  <metadata ...>

The "metadata" element must have the following required sub-elements:

  • dc:identifier - to define a unique identifier to be used to uniquely identify the EPUB 3.0 book.
  • dc:title - to specify a title for the EPUB 3.0 book.
  • dc:language - to specify the language of the EPUB 3.0 book.
  • meta property="dcterms:modified" - to specify the timestamp of when the EPUB 3.0 book was last modified.

The "metadata" element can also have additional optional sub-elements like:

  • dc:creator - to specify an author of the EPUB 3.0 book.
  • dc:contributor - to specify an contributor of the EPUB 3.0 book.
  • dc:publisher - to specify the publisher of the EPUB 3.0 book.
  • dc:rights - to specify the rights statement of the EPUB 3.0 book.
  • dc:subject - to specify the subject category of the EPUB 3.0 book.
  • dc:date - to specify the publishing date of the EPUB 3.0 book.
  • dc:description - to specify an long description of the EPUB 3.0 book.


EPUB 3.0 Metadata - dc:identifier Element

EPUB 3.0 Package Metadata

EPUB 3.0 Package Metadata

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2018-06-01, 1806🔥, 0💬