'class' - Class Definition Statements


How to use the "class" statement to define a new function in Python?

✍: FYIcenter.com


You can use the "class" statement to define a new class in Python with the following syntax:

def class_name(base_class): 
    class properties assignment statement
  method definition statement

Here is a good example of "class" statement defining a class to present a user with the default base class "object":

>>> class user():
...     nextID = 1
...     def __init__(self,name="Joe",age=25):
...         self.id = user.nextID
...         self.name = name
...         self.age = age
...         user.nextID = user.nextID + 1
...     def dump(self):
...         print("ID: "+str(self.id))
...         print("Name: "+self.name)
...         print("Age: "+str(self.age))
>>> joe = user()
>>> joe.id, joe.name, joe.age
(1, 'Joe', 25)
>>> joe.dump()
ID: 1
Name: Joe
Age: 25
>>> jay = user("Jay", 18)
>>> jay.dump()
ID: 2
Name: Jay
Age: 18


Classes Are Objects Too

What Is Class

Defining and Using Class for New Data Types

⇑⇑ Python Tutorials

2018-05-08, 1379🔥, 0💬