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Generic JSON Schema Validation Keywords
What are other generic JSON Schema validation keywords?
Several other generic JSON Schema validation keywords are listed below. They are always applied to the JSON instance.
"enum" - The JSON instance must match one of the elements in the given array. For example,
JSON Schema: {"enum": ["YES", "NO"]} Valid JSON instance: "YES" Invalid JSON instance: "Yes" Invalid JSON instance: 3.14
"const" - The JSON instance must match the given value. For example,
JSON Schema: {"const": 3.14} Valid JSON instance: 3.14 Invalid JSON instance: 3.14159 Invalid JSON instance: "PI"
"allOf" - The JSON instance must be valid against all schemas in the given array. For example,
JSON Schema: {"allOf": [ {"type": "number"}, {"const": 3.14} ]} Valid JSON instance: 3.14 Invalid JSON instance: 3.14159 Invalid JSON instance: "PI"
"anyOf" - The JSON instance must be valid against at least one schema in the given array. For example,
JSON Schema: {"anyOf": [ {"const": "YES"}, {"const": "NO"} ]} Valid JSON instance: "YES" Invalid JSON instance: "Yes" Invalid JSON instance: 3.14
"oneOf" - The JSON instance must be valid against at exactly one schema in the given array. For example,
JSON Schema: {"oneOf": [ {"type": "integer"}, {"type": "number"} ]} Valid JSON instance: 1.00 Invalid JSON instance: 1 Invalid JSON instance: "One"
"not" - The JSON instance must be invalid against the given schema. For example,
JSON Schema: {"not": {"type": "integer"}, } Valid JSON instance: 1.00 Valid JSON instance: "One" Invalid JSON instance: 1
⇒ Multiple JSON Schema Validation Keywords
2017-08-25, 1758🔥, 0💬
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