HTML Keywords 'meta' Tag/Element


What Is the HTML Keywords "meta" Tag/Element?



The keywords "meta" element is a special meta element that provides a list of keywords about the HTML document. The keywords "meta" element must include the "name" attribute as, name="keywords". Here is an example:

<meta name="keywords" content="XHTML, tutorials, tags,
elements, Web, tips" />

XHMTL browsers are usually ignoring the keywords meta element. But some search engines are using the keywords provided in the keywords meta element to index and rank your XHTML documents. So it is important to code the keywords meta element properly in your XHTML documents following rules below:

  • Do include the keywords meta element for every XHTML page.
  • Key words should be comma delimited.
  • Do not write too many words. They should be around 150 characters long.
  • Do not include any special characters like & @, #, %, ...


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HTML Document Structure and Head Level Tags

⇑⇑ HTML Tutorials

2017-06-23, 1531🔥, 0💬