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Providing Default Values for Text Fields in PHP
How To Supply Default Values for Text Fields in PHP?
If you want to provide a default value to a text field in your form, you need to pay attention to following notes:
The PHP script below is a modified version of submit_comments.php with a default value in the "comment" field:
<?php $comment = 'I want to say: "It\'s a good site! :->"'; $comment = htmlspecialchars($comment); print("<html><form action=processing_forms.php method=post>"); print("<table><tr><td colspan=2>Please enter and submit your" ." comments about</td></tr>"); print("<tr><td>Your Name:</td>" ."<td><input type=text name=name></td></tr>\n"); print("<tr><td>Comments:</td>" ."<td><input type=text name=comment value=\"$comment\" size=40>" ."</td></tr>\n"); print("<tr><td colspan=2><input type=submit><td></tr></table>\n"); print("</form></html>\n"); ?>
If you view this PHP page, you will a form with default value nicely displayed in the comment field. If you submit the form, you will get something like this:
Number of values: 2 name = Alan comment = I want to say: \"It\'s a good site! :->\"
Notice that special characters are protected with slashes when form is submitted. See the next tip on how to remove slashes.
⇒ Removing Slashes on Submitted Input Values in PHP
2016-11-13, 1641🔥, 0💬
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