Simple EPUB Reader Failed on EPUB 3.0


Why Simple EPUB Reader is showing an empty page on "The War Poems Of Siegfried Sassoon" EPUB 3.0 book?



Simple EPUB Reader does not support all features of the EPUB 3.0 specification. For example:

1. Run "Simple EPUB Reader" and open "The War Poems Of Siegfried Sassoon" EPUB book.

2. Click the navigation icon. You see the table of contents of the book.

3. Select and to go "Dreamers". You a blank page.

"Simple EPUB Reader" failed to display the contents of this page.

The picture below shows you the issue with "Simple EPUB Reader" displaying an EPUB 3.0 book:

Simple EPUB Reader Failed on EPUB 3.0
Simple EPUB Reader Failed on EPUB 3.0


Simple EPUB Reader Failed on EPUB 2.0

Run Simple EPUB Reader

Simple EPUB Reader

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2022-05-31, 1762🔥, 0💬