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JSON-stringify-Transformed.html - JSON.stringify() Value Transformed
How to write a replacer function to transform values while the JSON.stringify() function is generating the JSON text string?
Below is a good example on using a replacer function with the JSON.stringify() call to transform output values:
<!-- JSON-stringify-Transformed.html Copyright (c) --> <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> function transformer(key, value) { if (key == "age") { return undefined; } else if (key == "group" && value==null) { return "Guest"; } else { return value; } } function stringifier(val) { var str = JSON.stringify(val,transformer); return str; } document.write("JSON.stringify() Replacer to Transform Values:
"); document.write(""); str = '{"name": "Joe", "age": 25, "group": null}'; document.write("Input = "+str+"\n"); json = stringifier(JSON.parse(str)); document.write("Output = "+json+"\n"); str = '{"name": "Jay", "age": 55, "group": "VIP"}'; document.write("Input = "+str+"\n"); json = stringifier(JSON.parse(str)); document.write("Output = "+json+"\n"); str = '{"name": "Kim", "age": 30, "group": "Host"}'; document.write("Input = "+str+"\n"); json = stringifier(JSON.parse(str)); document.write("Output = "+json+"\n"); document.write(""); </script> </body> </html>
The transformer() is used as the replacer function in the JSON.stringify() call to remove the "age" property, and to provide a default value "Guest" to the "group" property.
Open the above code in a Web browser. You see the following output:
JSON.stringify() Replacer to Transform Values: Input = {"name": "Joe", "age": 25, "group": null} Output = {"name":"Joe","group":"Guest"} Input = {"name": "Jay", "age": 55, "group": "VIP"} Output = {"name":"Jay","group":"VIP"} Input = {"name": "Kim", "age": 30, "group": "Host"} Output = {"name":"Kim","group":"Host"}
⇒ JSON-stringify-Filter.html - JSON.stringify() Array Replacer
2023-09-07, 1237🔥, 0💬
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