Free Python Programming Books

Free Python Programming Books

Free Python Programming Books

Below is a collection of 10 great Python programming books that are available online in full, completely free of charge:

  • Dive into Python
    It covers everything, from installing Python and the languages syntax, right up to web services and unit testing. This is a good book to learn from, but its also excellent to use a reference.

  • An Introduction to Tkinter
    Tkinter is a popular cross-platform Python GUI toolkit, and this book provides a good introduction with lots of examples. If you want to learn GUI development with Python then this book is a great place to start.

  • How to think like a Computer Scientist
    This book uses Python to explain some Computer Science principals. It is full of examples, and each chapter has a collection of exercises for the reader to perform.

  • The Standard Python Library

    This book provides a detailed description and usage examples for all of the modules in Pythons standard library.

  • Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python
    This book is aimed at novice programmers who are interested in writing simple computer games. Each chapter describes a different game and goes through the stages of design and development.

  • The Django Book
    Django is a Python web framework. which encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. This book covers the framework in detail, and is a great place to start if you're thinking about creating a dynamic website using Python.

  • The Pylons Book
    Pylons is another Python web framework. The book is structured in a very similar way to the Django book, and is worth reading if youre looking for an alternative framework.

  • Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python
    This book provides a thorough introduction to data structures and algorithms using Python. This is definitely not a book for those wishing to learn Python. However, if you want to learn about data structures and algorithms, or you just wish to learn about their implementation in Python.

  • Building Skills in Python
    This book consists of 42 chapters, each packed full of exercises designed to help you build Python programming skills. The book “includes six projects from straight-forward to sophisticated that will help solidify your Python skill. A great book for those that already know Python, but would like to become more proficient.

  • Building Skills in OO Design
    Written by the same author as the book above, this book follows the same format. This book focuses on object-oriented application design (using Python, of course) to help you to develop better programs.

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