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Customizing JAXB Bindings

<< Restrictions for External Binding Customizations | globalBindings Declarations >>
<< Restrictions for External Binding Customizations | globalBindings Declarations >>

Customizing JAXB Bindings

Customization Syntax
The syntax for the four types of JAXB binding declarations, as well as the syntax for the
XML-to-Java data type binding declarations and the customization namespace prefix, are
described below.
"Global Binding Declarations" on page 519
"Schema Binding Declarations" on page 521
"Class Binding Declarations" on page 521
"Property Binding Declarations" on page 522
"javaType Binding Declarations" on page 523
"Typesafe Enumeration Binding Declarations" on page 524
"javadoc Binding Declarations" on page 525
Global Binding Declarations
Global scope customizations are declared with <globalBindings>. The syntax for global scope
customizations is as follows:
Definition Scope
Schema Scope
Global Scope
Customization Scope Inheritance and Precedence
Customizing JAXB Bindings
Chapter 17 · Binding between XML Schema and Java Classes