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Property Binding Declarations

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Property Binding Declarations

[ <javadoc> ... </javadoc> ]
is the name of the derived Java interface. It must be a legal Java interface name and
must not contain a package prefix. The package prefix is inherited from the current value of
is the name of the implementation class for className and must include the
complete package name.
The <javadoc> element specifies the Javadoc tool annotations for the schema-derived Java
interface. The string entered here must use CDATA or < to escape embedded HTML tags.
Property Binding Declarations
The <property> binding declaration enables you to customize the binding of an XML schema
element to its Java representation as a property. The scope of customization can either be at the
definition level or component level depending upon where the <property> binding declaration
is specified.
The syntax for <property> customizations is:
[ name =
[ collectionType =
"propertyCollectionType" ]
[ fixedAttributeAsConstantProperty =
"true" | "false" | "1" | "0" ]
[ generateIsSetMethod =
"true" | "false" | "1" | "0" ]
[ enableFailFastCheck =
"true" | "false" | "1" | "0" ]
[ <baseType> ... </baseType> ]
[ <javadoc> ... </javadoc> ]
<javaType> ... </javaType>
defines the customization value propertyName; it must be a legal Java identifier.
defines the customization value propertyCollectionType, which is the
collection type for the property. propertyCollectionType. If specified, can be either
or any fully-qualified class name that implements java.util.List.
defines the customization value
. The value can be either true, false, 1, or 0.
defines the customization value of generateIsSetMethod. The value
can be either true, false, 1, or 0.
defines the customization value enableFailFastCheck. The value
can be either true, false, 1, or 0. Please note that the JAXB implementation does not
support failfast validation.
Customizing JAXB Bindings
The Java EE 5 Tutorial · September 2007