Interview Questions

180. write a insert function to insert into binary search tree node *insert(node *root);

Microsoft Interview Questions and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

180. write a insert function to insert into binary search tree node *insert(node *root);

write a insert function to insert into binary search tree node *insert(node *root);

maybe an answer:

Node * CreateNode(int no)
Node *temp = new Node();
temp->no = no;
temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
bool Insert(Node **root, int no)
if (*root == NULL)
*root = CreateNode(no);
Node *parent = *root;
Node *tmp = *root;

while (tmp != NULL)
if (no < tmp-> no {
parent = tmp;
tmp = tmp->left;
else if (no > tmp->no) {
parent = tmp;
tmp = tmp->right;
return false; //dup
if (no < parent->no)
parent->left = CreateNode(no);
return true;
parent->right = CreateNode(no);
return true;

(Continued on next question...)

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