Interview Questions

271. Design a compact data structure representation of a graph

Microsoft Interview Questions and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

271. Design a compact data structure representation of a graph


Design a compact data structure representation of a graph

maybe an answer:

If the graph is not dense (i.e., E is small as compared to V) then you can have a linked list of all the vertices that are connected to any given vertex. If it's dense then you can use a matrix representation where M[i, j] = 1 means there is an edge from Vi to Vj. Following is a compact representation for "undirected" graph:

unsigned char * CreateUndirectedGraph(unsigned int vertices) {
unsigned char *mem = NULL;
if(vertices > 0)
vertices = (vertices*(vertices + 1))/2;
unsigned int count = 0;
count = vertices >> 3;
if(vertices & 0x00000007)

mem = new unsigned char[count];

for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
*(mem + i) = 0;

return mem;

void SetEdge(unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2, bool value, unsigned char *mem)
if(mem != NULL)
if(v1 < v2)
unsigned int t = v1;


unsigned int pos = (v1*(v1+1))/2 + v2;
unsigned int bytenum = pos >> 3;
unsigned char mask = ((unsigned char)1 << ((pos & 0x00000007) - 1));

mem[bytenum] |= mask;
mem[bytenum] &= ~mask;

(Continued on next question...)

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