Interview Questions

Which of the following programs can be created using the ZAC Publish Wizard tool?

BEA WebLogic Questions and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

Which of the following programs can be created using the ZAC Publish Wizard tool?

Which of the following programs can be created using the ZAC Publish Wizard tool?Choices:
a. Installer
b. Deployer
c. Bootstrap
d. Packager

Choices A and C are correct. To publish to a WebLogic Server, we can use the ZAC publish wizard. For this, the server must be running, and you will need to know a user and password that has permission to publish. You can also use the ZAC Publish Wizard to create a set of native programs - an installer and a bootstrap - for various operating systems that become part of a published Java application.
The installer program is a native executable that installs your published Java program on the local machine. It doesn't require a Java environment itself, so it can run out-of-the-box in the native OS. The bootstrap is also a native program; the user runs the bootstrap to invoke the published application. The bootstrap takes care of monitoring for updates, downloading and updating the user's application, and other administrative ZAC functions.

(Continued on next question...)

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