Interview Questions

Which of the following attributes in the Monitoring tab for a JDBC connection pool in the Administrative console ...

BEA WebLogic Questions and Answers

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Which of the following attributes in the Monitoring tab for a JDBC connection pool in the Administrative console ...

Which of the following attributes in the Monitoring tab for a JDBC connection pool in the Administrative console tell us how many clients are currently waiting for a connection?
a. Waiters high
b. Waiters
c. Connections high
d. Clients
e. Wait seconds high

Choice B is correct. JDBC subsystem resources can also be monitored via the Administration Console. The Monitoring tab for a JDBC connection pool allows you to access a table listing statistics for the instances of that pool. These attributes provide important information for managing client database access.
The Waiters High field indicates the highest number of clients waiting for a connection at one time. The Waiters field tells you how many clients are currently waiting for a connection. The Connections High field indicates the highest number of connections that have occurred at one time. The Wait Seconds High field tells you the longest duration a client has had to wait for a database connection. These attributes allow you to gauge the effectiveness of the current configuration in responding to client requests.

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