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XHTML Tutorial - http-equiv "meta" Tag/Element

By: FYIcenter.com

(Continued from previous topic...)

What Is a http-equiv "meta" Tag/Element?

a http-equiv "meta" element is a special "meta" element that provides information equivalent to HTTP headers. A http-equiv "meta" element must include the "http-equiv" attribute as, http-equiv="Content-Type". Here is some good examples:

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=UTF-8" />
  <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="3; 
    URL=http://dev.fyicenter.com/" />
  <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="Sun, 22 Mar 1998
   16:18:35 GMT" />

XHTML browsers and search engines are all respecting http-equiv meta elements. So it is important to code the keywords meta element properly in your XHTML documents following rules below:

  • Include http-equiv meta elements in XHTML documents as needed. Do not include all http-equiv meta elements in every XHTML documents.
  • Attribute "http-equiv" must contain valid HTTP headers defined in HTTP protocol.
  • Attribute "content" must contain valid values that matches the HTTP header specified in "http-equiv".
  • http-equiv="Content-Type" is used to specify the document type, and character set.
  • http-equiv="Refresh" is used to specify a refresh with a waiting period and a URL.
  • http-equiv="Expires" is used to an expiration time of the document.

(Continued on next topic...)

  1. What is the Top Level Structure of an XHTML Document?
  2. How Many Document Types Defined in XHTML 1.0?
  3. What Is the "html" Tag/Element?
  4. What is the Second Level Structure of an XHTML Document?
  5. What Is the "head" Tag/Element?
  6. What Is the "body" Tag/Element?
  7. How To Write a "head" Element Properly?
  8. What Is the "title" Tag/Element?
  9. What is a Smallest Valid XHTML Dodument?
  10. What Is Wrong with This "head" Element?
  11. What Happens If the "title" Element is Missing?
  12. What Happens If a "meta" Element Is Not Closed?
  13. What Is a "meta" Tag/Element?
  14. What Is the Description "meta" Tag/Element?
  15. What Is the Keywords "meta" Tag/Element?
  16. What Is the Robots "meta" Tag/Element?
  17. What Is a http-equiv "meta" Tag/Element?
  18. What Is the Author "meta" Tag/Element?
  19. What Is the "base" Tag/Element?
  20. What Is a "script" Tag/Element?
  21. What Is a "link" Tag/Element?
  22. What Is a "style" Tag/Element?

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