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Adding Content to the Body

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Adding Content to the Body

Adding Content to the Body
The SOAPBody object contains either content or a fault. To add content to the body, you
normally create one or more SOAPBodyElement objects to hold the content. You can also add
subelements to the SOAPBodyElement objects by using the addChildElement method. For each
element or child element, you add content by using the addTextNode method.
When you create any new element, you also need to create an associated
object so that it is uniquely identified.
Note ­
You can use Name objects instead of QName objects. Name objects are specific to the SAAJ
API, and you create them using either SOAPEnvelope methods or SOAPFactory methods.
However, the Name interface may be deprecated at a future release.
The SOAPFactory class also lets you create XML elements when you are not creating an entire
message or do not have access to a complete SOAPMessage object. For example, JAX-RPC
implementations often work with XML fragments rather than complete SOAPMessage objects.
Consequently, they do not have access to a SOAPEnvelope object, and this makes using a
object to create Name objects very useful. In addition to a method for creating Name
objects, the SOAPFactory class provides methods for creating Detail objects and SOAP
fragments. You will find an explanation of Detail objects in
"Overview of SOAP Faults" on
page 609
"Creating and Populating a SOAPFault Object" on page 610
objects associated with SOAPBodyElement or SOAPHeaderElement objects must be fully
qualified; that is, they must be created with a namespace URI, a local part, and a namespace
prefix. Specifying a namespace for an element makes clear which one is meant if more than one
element has the same local name.
The following code fragment retrieves the SOAPBody object body from message, constructs a
object for the element to be added, and adds a new SOAPBodyElement object to body.
SOAPBody body = message.getSOAPBody();
QName bodyName = new QName(
"", "GetLastTradePrice", "m");
SOAPBodyElement bodyElement = body.addBodyElement(bodyName);
At this point, body contains a SOAPBodyElement object identified by the QName object bodyName,
but there is still no content in bodyElement. Assuming that you want to get a quote for the stock
of Sun Microsystems, Inc., you need to create a child element for the symbol using the
method. Then you need to give it the stock symbol using the addTextNode
method. The QName object for the new SOAPElement object symbol is initialized with only a local
name because child elements inherit the prefix and URI from the parent element.
QName name = new QName(
SOAPElement symbol = bodyElement.addChildElement(name);
SAAJ Tutorial
Chapter 19 · SOAP with Attachments API for Java