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Overviewof SOAP Faults

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Overviewof SOAP Faults

Overview of SOAP Faults
If you send a message that was not successful for some reason, you may get back a response
containing a SOAP fault element, which gives you status information, error information, or
both. There can be only one SOAP fault element in a message, and it must be an entry in the
SOAP body. Furthermore, if there is a SOAP fault element in the SOAP body, there can be no
other elements in the SOAP body. This means that when you add a SOAP fault element, you
have effectively completed the construction of the SOAP body.
A SOAPFault object, the representation of a SOAP fault element in the SAAJ API, is similar to
an Exception object in that it conveys information about a problem. However, a SOAPFault
object is quite different in that it is an element in a message's SOAPBody object rather than part of
the try/catch mechanism used for Exception objects. Also, as part of the SOAPBody object,
which provides a simple means for sending mandatory information intended for the ultimate
recipient, a SOAPFault object only reports status or error information. It does not halt the
execution of an application, as an Exception object can.
If you are a client using the SAAJ API and are sending point-to-point messages, the recipient of
your message may add a SOAPFault object to the response to alert you to a problem. For
example, if you sent an order with an incomplete address for where to send the order, the
service receiving the order might put a SOAPFault object in the return message telling you that
part of the address was missing.
Another example of who might send a SOAP fault is an intermediate recipient, or actor. As
stated in the section
"Adding Attributes" on page 603
, an actor that cannot process a header that
has a mustUnderstand attribute with a value of true must return a SOAP fault to the sender.
A SOAPFault object contains the following elements:
Fault code
: Always required. The fault code must be a fully qualified name: it must contain a
prefix followed by a local name. The SOAP specifications define a set of fault code local
name values, which a developer can extend to cover other problems. (These are defined in
section 4.4.1 of the SOAP 1.1 specification and in section 5.4.6 of the SOAP 1.2
Table 19­1
lists and describes the default fault code local names defined in the
A SOAP 1.2 fault code can optionally have a hierarchy of one or more subcodes.
Fault string
: Always required. A human-readable explanation of the fault.
Fault actor
: Required if the SOAPHeader object contains one or more actor attributes;
optional if no actors are specified, meaning that the only actor is the ultimate destination.
The fault actor, which is specified as a URI, identifies who caused the fault. For an
explanation of what an actor is, see
"The actor Attribute" on page 605
: Required if the fault is an error related to the SOAPBody object. If, for
example, the fault code is Client, indicating that the message could not be processed
because of a problem in the SOAPBody object, the SOAPFault object must contain a Detail
object that gives details about the problem. If a SOAPFault object does not contain a Detail
object, it can be assumed that the SOAPBody object was processed successfully.
SAAJ Tutorial
Chapter 19 · SOAP with Attachments API for Java