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JAXB Annotations

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JAXB Annotations

TABLE 17­4
JAXB Annotations Associated with a Java Class
Description and Default Setting
Maps a Java class to a schema type. Default Settings:
@XmlType (
name =
propOrder = {
namespace =
factoryClass = DEFAULT.class,
factoryMethod =
Associates a global element with the schema type to which the class is mapped. Default
@XmlRootElement (
name =
namespace =
Table 17­5
summarizes JAXB annotations that can be used with a Java enum type.
TABLE 17­5
JAXB Annotations Associated with a Java enum Type
Description and Default Setting
Maps a Java type to an XML simple type. Default Settings:
@XmlEnum ( value = String.class )
Maps a Java type to an XML simple type. Default Settings:
Maps a Java class to a schema type. Default Settings:
@XmlType (
name =
propOrder = {
namespace =
factoryClass = DEFAULT.class,
factoryMethod =
Customizing Generated Classes and Java Program Elements
Chapter 17 · Binding between XML Schema and Java Classes