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The Example JSP Document

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The Example JSP Document

document books.jspx, which accesses the book data from the database and converts it into the
XML stream. The bookstore5 application accesses this XML stream to get the book data.
These applications show how easy it is to generate XML data and stream it between web
applications. The books application can be considered the application hosted by the book
warehouse's server. The bookstore5 application can be considered the application hosted by
the book retailer's server. In this way, the customer of the bookstore web site sees the list of
books currently available, according to the warehouse's database.
The source for the Duke's Bookstore application is located in the
tut-install/javaeetutorial5/examples/web/bookstore5/ directory, which is created when
you unzip the tutorial bundle (see
Chapter 2, "Using the Tutorial Examples"
To deploy the books application using NetBeans IDE, follow these steps:
1. Perform all the operations described in
"Accessing Databases from Web Applications" on
page 97
2. In NetBeans IDE, select File
Open Project.
3. In the Open Project dialog, navigate to:
4. Select the books folder.
5. Select the Open as Main Project check box and the Open Required Projects check box.
6. Click Open Project Folder.
7. In the Projects tab, right-click the books project, and select Deploy Project.
To deploy the books application using the Ant utility, follow these steps:
1. In a terminal window, go to tut-install/javaeetutorial5/examples/web/books/.
2. Type ant build. This target will spawn any necessary compilations, copy files to the
tut-install/javaeetutorial5/examples/web/books/build/ directory, build a WAR file,
and copy the WAR file to the tut-install/javaeetutorial5/examples/web/books/dist/
3. To deploy the application, type ant deploy.
To deploy and run the bookstore5 application using NetBeans IDE, follow these steps:
1. Perform all the operations described in
"Accessing Databases from Web Applications" on
page 97
2. In NetBeans IDE, select File
Open Project.
3. In the Open Project dialog, navigate to:
4. Select the bookstore5 folder.
The Example JSP Document
The Java EE 5 Tutorial · September 2007