Is Struts efficient?
Struts Questions and Answers
(Continued from previous question...)
11. Is Struts efficient?
- The Struts is not only thread-safe but thread-dependent(instantiates each Action once and allows other requests to be threaded through the original object.
- ActionForm beans minimize subclass code and shorten subclass hierarchies
- The Struts tag libraries provide general-purpose functionality
- The Struts components are reusable by the application
- The Struts localization strategies reduce the need for redundant JSPs
- The Struts is designed with an open architecture--subclass available
- The Struts is lightweight (5 core packages, 5 tag libraries)
- The Struts is open source and well documented (code to be examined easily)
- The Struts is model neutral
(Continued on next question...)
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