Interview Questions

What are Difference Between Classical Batch Input and Call Transaction?

SAP Reports,SAP DB,ALE, SAP Tables questions and answers

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What are Difference Between Classical Batch Input and Call Transaction?

In Batch input many transactions can be executed, where as in Call transcation only one transactioin can be executed.
BI is a background process, Ct can be either background or foreground .
BI is Synchronous process, Ct is both Asynchronous & Synchronous.
BI Sessions cannot be runed parallel.
Log file is generated automaticly in BI, errors can be found through BDCMSGCOLL.

1.batch input works for multiple applications where as call transactions doen't work
2.batch input has an implicit log file with it. where as call transaction doesn't have
3.batch input has sy-subrc check with the database where as call transaction doesn't have so call transaction is fast.

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