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Should the OEM Console be displayed at all times (when there are scheduled jobs)? (for DBA

ORACLE Interview Questions and Answers (Part 5)

(Continued from previous question...)

852. Should the OEM Console be displayed at all times (when there are scheduled jobs)? (for DBA

When a job is submitted the agent will confirm the status of the job. When the status shows up as scheduled, you can close down the OEM console. The processing of the job is managed by the OIA (Oracle Intelligent Agent). The OIA maintains a .jou file in the agent's subdirectory. When the console is launched communication with the Agent is established and the contents of the .jou file (binary) are reported to the console job subsystem. Note that OEM will not be able to send e-mail and paging notifications when the Console is not started.

(Continued on next question...)

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