Date: _11-Sep-2013_
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SSoftware Engineer
* Faceoff with programming challenges relating to efficiency and scalability: there's still a huge range of projects to choose from.
* Work closely with talented, like-minded teammates
* Develop custom solutions to further strengthen existing offerings.
* B.S. in Computer Engineering or related technical degree is desired.
* 4 years experience in developing solutions using some of the following: Java, C#, C/C++, SOAP/REST APIs.
* Excellent communication skills.
* Familiar with cloud solutions such as Amazon S3, EMC Atmos.
* Familiar with cloud gateways/data movers from companies such as Symantec, Riverbed, Panzura, CommVault, and others.
To apply for this position, please visit
this Website.
Thank you,
Developer FYI Center