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XHTML Tutorials - Document Structure and Head Level Tags

By: FYIcenter.com

A collection of 22 FAQs/tutorials tips on XHTML document structure and head level elements. Clear answers are provided with tutorial exercises on XHTML DTD specifications and the root element; the head and body elements; head level elements like title, meta, base, script, link, and style; description and keywords meta elements. Topics included in this collection are:

  1. What is the Top Level Structure of an XHTML Document?
  2. How Many Document Types Defined in XHTML 1.0?
  3. What Is the "html" Tag/Element?
  4. What is the Second Level Structure of an XHTML Document?
  5. What Is the "head" Tag/Element?
  6. What Is the "body" Tag/Element?
  7. How To Write a "head" Element Properly?
  8. What Is the "title" Tag/Element?
  9. What is a Smallest Valid XHTML Dodument?
  10. What Is Wrong with This "head" Element?
  11. What Happens If the "title" Element is Missing?
  12. What Happens If a "meta" Element Is Not Closed?
  13. What Is a "meta" Tag/Element?
  14. What Is the Description "meta" Tag/Element?
  15. What Is the Keywords "meta" Tag/Element?
  16. What Is the Robots "meta" Tag/Element?
  17. What Is a http-equiv "meta" Tag/Element?
  18. What Is the Author "meta" Tag/Element?
  19. What Is the "base" Tag/Element?
  20. What Is a "script" Tag/Element?
  21. What Is a "link" Tag/Element?
  22. What Is a "style" Tag/Element?

Please note that all notes and tutorials are based on XHTML 1.0 specification.

(Continued on next topic...)

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