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Java Representation of XML Schema

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Representing XML Content
This section describes how JAXB represents XML content as Java objects.
Java Representation of XML Schema
JAXB supports the grouping of generated classes in Java packages. A package
· A Java class name is derived from the XML element name, or specified by
a binding customization.
· An
class is a factory that is used to return instances of a
bound Java class.
Binding XML Schemas
This section describes the default XML-to-Java bindings used by JAXB. All of
these bindings can be overridden on global or case-by-case levels by means of a
custom binding declaration. See the JAXB Specification for complete informa-
tion about the default JAXB bindings.
Simple Type Definitions
A schema component using a simple type definition typically binds to a Java
property. Since there are different kinds of such schema components, the follow-
ing Java property attributes (common to the schema components) include:
· Base type
· Collection type, if any
· Predicate
The rest of the Java property attributes are specified in the schema component
using the
type definition.