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Scope, Inheritance, and Precedence

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<< Restrictions for External Binding Customizations | Customization Syntax >>
<jxb:bindings node="//xs:complexType[@name='USAddress']">
In such cases, the customization is applied to the node by the binding
compiler as if the declaration was embedded inline in the node's
To summarize these rules, the external binding element
is only
recognized for processing by a JAXB binding compiler in three cases:
· When its parent is an
· When it is an ancestor of another
· When it is root element of a document--an XML document that has a
element as its root is referred to as an external binding
declaration file
Scope, Inheritance, and Precedence
Default JAXB bindings can be customized or overridden at four different levels,
or scopes, as described in Table 3­7.
Figure 3­1 illustrates the inheritance and precedence of customization declara-
tions. Specifically, declarations towards the top of the pyramid inherit and super-
sede declarations below them. For example, Component declarations inherit
from and supersede Definition declarations; Definition declarations inherit and
supersede Schema declarations; and Schema declarations inherit and supersede
Global declarations.