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The ackequivexample Project

<< A Message Acknowledgment Example | Specifying Message Persistence >>
<< A Message Acknowledgment Example | Specifying Message Persistence >>

The ackequivexample Project

b. In the Open Project dialog, navigate to
c. Select the ackequivexample folder.
d. Select the Open as Main Project check box.
e. Click Open Project Folder.
f. Right-click the project and choose Build Project.
To compile and package the program using Ant, type the following command:
4. To run the program using NetBeans IDE, right-click the ackequivexample project and
choose Run Project. To run the program from the command line, follow these steps:
a. Go to the dist directory:
cd dist
b. Type the following command:
appclient -client ackequivexample.jar
The program output looks something like this:
Queue name is jms/ControlQueue
Queue name is jms/Queue
Topic name is jms/Topic
Connection factory name is jms/DurableConnectionFactory
SENDER: Created client-acknowledge session
SENDER: Sending message: Here is a client-acknowledge message
RECEIVER: Created client-acknowledge session
RECEIVER: Processing message: Here is a client-acknowledge message
'll acknowledge the message
SUBSCRIBER: Created auto-acknowledge session
SUBSCRIBER: Sending synchronize message to control queue
PUBLISHER: Created auto-acknowledge session
PUBLISHER: Receiving synchronize messages from control queue; count = 1
PUBLISHER: Received synchronize message;
expect 0 more
PUBLISHER: Publishing message: Here is an auto-acknowledge message 1
PUBLISHER: Publishing message: Here is an auto-acknowledge message 2
SUBSCRIBER: Processing message: Here is an auto-acknowledge message 1
PUBLISHER: Publishing message: Here is an auto-acknowledge message 3
SUBSCRIBER: Processing message: Here is an auto-acknowledge message 2
SUBSCRIBER: Processing message: Here is an auto-acknowledge message 3
After you run the program, you can delete the destination resource jms/ControlQueue. Go to
the directory tut-install/javaeetutorial5/examples/jms/advanced/ackequivexample/ and
type the following command:
Creating Robust JMS Applications
Chapter 31 · The Java Message Service API