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EXISTS Expressions

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EXISTS Expressions

The [NOT] EXISTS expression is used with a subquery, and is true only if the result of the
subquery consists of one or more values and is false otherwise.
The following example finds all employees whose spouse is also an employee:
FROM Employee emp
SELECT spouseEmp
FROM Employee spouseEmp
WHERE spouseEmp = emp.spouse)
and ANY Expressions
The ALL expression is used with a subquery, and is true if all the values returned by the subquery
are true, or if the subquery is empty.
The ANY expression is used with a subquery, and is true if some of the values returned by the
subquery are true. An ANY expression is false if the subquery result is empty, or if all the values
returned are false. The SOME keyword is synonymous with ANY.
The ALL and ANY expressions are used with the =, <, <=, >, >=, <> comparison operators.
The following example finds all employees whose salary is higher than the salary of the
managers in the employee's department:
FROM Employee emp
WHERE emp.salary > ALL (
SELECT m.salary
FROM Manager m
WHERE m.department = emp.department)
Functional Expressions
The query language includes several string and arithmetic functions which may be used in the
or HAVING clause of a query. The functions are listed in the following tables. In
Table 27­4
, the start and length arguments are of type int. They designate positions in the
argument. The first position in a string is designated by 1. In
Table 27­5
, the number
argument can be either an int, a float, or a double.
Full Query Language Syntax
The Java EE 5 Tutorial · September 2007