background image

Running the order Application

<< Packaging the order Application | The all Task >>
<< Packaging the order Application | The all Task >>

Running the order Application

Average price of all parts:
Total price of parts for Vendor 100:
Ordered list of vendors for order 1111
200 Gadget, Inc. Mrs. Smith
100 WidgetCorp Mr. Jones
Counting all line items
Found 6 line items
Removing Order 4312
Counting all line items
Found 3 line items
Found 1 out of 2 vendors with
'I' in the name:
Gadget, Inc.
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 22 seconds)
Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Running order Using Ant
To build the application components of order, enter the following command:
This runs the default task, which compiles the source files and packages the application into an
EAR file located at tut-install/examples/ejb/order/dist/order.ear.
To deploy the EAR, make sure the Application Server is started, then enter the following
ant deploy
After order.ear is deployed, a client JAR, orderClient.jar, is retrieved. This contains the
application client.
To run the application client, enter the following command:
ant run
You will see the following output:
[echo] Running appclient for Order.
The order Application
The Java EE 5 Tutorial · September 2007