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Self-Referential Relationships

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<< Persistence in the EJB Tier | One-to-Many Relationship >>

Self-Referential Relationships

Self-Referential Relationships
A self-referential relationship is a relationship between relationship fields in the same entity.
has a field bomPart that has a one-to-many relationship with the field parts, which is also
in Part. That is, a part can be made up of many parts, and each of those parts has exactly one
bill-of-material part.
The primary key for Part is a compound primary key, a combination of the partNumber and
fields. It is mapped to the PARTNUMBER and REVISION columns in the EJB_ORDER_PART
public Part getBomPart() {
return bomPart;
public Collection<Part> getParts() {
return parts;
One-to-One Relationships
has a field, vendorPart, that has a one-to-one relationship with VendorPart's part field.
That is, each part has exactly one vendor part, and vice versa.
Here is the relationship mapping in Part:
public VendorPart getVendorPart() {
return vendorPart;
Here is the relationship mapping in VendorPart:
The order Application
The Java EE 5 Tutorial · September 2007