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Deploying the converter Java EE Application

<< The Converter Class | Running the converter Application Client >>
<< The Converter Class | Running the converter Application Client >>

Deploying the converter Java EE Application

BigDecimal euroAmount =
<%= amount %> Yen are <%= euroAmount %>
Compiling the converter Web Client
The Application Server automatically compiles web clients that are JSP pages. If the web client
were a servlet, you would have to compile it.
Deploying the converter Java EE Application
Now that the Java EE application contains the components, it is ready for deployment. You can
deploy the application using either NetBeans IDE or Ant.
Deploying the converter Example Using NetBeans
Follow these instructions to deploy the converter example to your Application Server instance
using NetBeans IDE.
1. In NetBeans IDE, make sure the converter application is open.
2. In the Projects tab, right-click the converter project and select Deploy Project. You will see
the output in the Output tab.
Deploying the converter Example Using Ant
To deploy converter.ear using Ant, run the deploy task.
ant deploy
will be deployed to the Application Server.
Deploying the converter Java EE Application
The Java EE 5 Tutorial · September 2007