background image

Releasing Resources

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Releasing Resources

If your component does not have a renderer associated with it, getRendererType should return
. In this case, the renderer-type element in the application configuration file should also
be set to null.
Releasing Resources
It's recommended practice that all tag handlers implement a release method, which releases
resources allocated during the execution of the tag handler. The release method of MapTag as
public void release() {
current = null;
styleClass = null;
actionListener = null;
immediate = null;
action = null;
This method first calls the UIComponentTag.release method to release resources associated
with UIComponentTag. Next, the method sets all attribute values to null.
Defining the Custom Component Tag in a Tag Library
To define a tag, you declare it in a TLD. The web container uses the TLD to validate the tag. The
set of tags that are part of the HTML render kit are defined in the html_basic TLD.
The custom tags area and map are defined in bookstore.tld. The bookstore.tld file defines
tags for all the custom components and the custom validator tag described in
"Creating a
Custom Tag" on page 402
All tag definitions must be nested inside the taglib element in the TLD. Each tag is defined by a
element. Here is part of the tag definition of the map tag:
Defining the Custom Component Tag in a Tag Library Descriptor
The Java EE 5 Tutorial · September 2007