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Implementing Action Listeners

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<< Implementing Value-Change Listeners | Creating a Custom Validator >>

Implementing Action Listeners

Implementing Action Listeners
An ActionListener implementation must include a processAction(ActionEvent) method.
The processAction(ActionEvent) method processes the specified action event. The
JavaServer Faces implementation invokes the processAction(ActionEvent) method when the
The Duke's Bookstore application does not use any ActionListener implementations. Instead,
it uses method expressions from actionListener attributes to refer to backing bean methods
that handle events. This section explains how to turn one of these methods into an
The chooselocale.jsp page allows the user to select a locale for the application by clicking on
one of a set of hyperlinks. When the user clicks one of the hyperlinks, an action event is
generated, and the chooseLocaleFromLink(ActionEvent) method of LocaleBean is invoked.
Instead of implementing a bean method to handle this event, you can create a listener
implementation to handle it. To do this, you do the following:
Move the chooseLocaleFromLink(ActionEvent) method to a class that implements
Rename the method to processAction(ActionEvent)
The listener implementation would look something like this:
public class LocaleChangeListener extends Object implements
ActionListener {
private HashMap<String, Locale> locales = null;
public LocaleChangeListener() {
locales = new HashMap<String, Locale>(4);
"NAmerica", new Locale("en", "US"));
"SAmerica", new Locale("es", "MX"));
"Germany", new Locale("de", "DE"));
"France", new Locale("fr", "FR"));
public void processAction(ActionEvent event)
throws AbortProcessingException {
String current = event.getComponent().getId();
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Implementing an Event Listener
Chapter 12 · Developing with JavaServer Faces Technology