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The Element

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<< Including Directives in a JSP Document | Creating Static and Dynamic Content >>

The Element

There are three directives: include, page, and taglib. The taglib directive is covered in the
preceding section.
The element defines a number of page-dependent properties and
communicates these to the JSP container. This element must be a child of the root element. Its
syntax is
page-directive-attr-list />
The page-directive-attr-list is the same list of attributes that the <@ page ...> directive has.
These are described in
Chapter 5, "JavaServer Pages Technology."
All the attributes are optional.
Except for the import and pageEncoding attributes, there can be only one instance of each
attribute in an element, but an element can contain more than one attribute.
An example of a page directive is one that tells the JSP container to load an error page when it
throws an exception. You can add this error page directive to the books.jspx page:
<books xmlns:jsp=
< errorPage=
"errorpage.jsp" />
If there is an error when you try to execute the page (perhaps when you want to see the XML
output of books.jspx), the error page is accessed.
The jsp:directive.include element is used to insert the text contained in another file (either
static content or another JSP page) into the including JSP document. You can place this element
anywhere in a document. Its syntax is:
<jsp:directive.include file=
"relativeURLspec" />
The XML view of a JSP document does not contain jsp:directive.include elements; rather
the included file is expanded in place. This is done to simplify validation.
Suppose that you want to use an include directive to add a JSP document containing magazine
data inside the JSP document containing the books data. To do this, you can add the following
directive to books.jspx, assuming that magazines.jspx generates the magazine XML
<jsp:root version=
"2.0" >
<books ...>
<jsp:directive.include file=
"magazine.jspx" />
Creating a JSP Document
The Java EE 5 Tutorial · September 2007