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Running Duke Bank Application

<< Creating the Bank Database Using Ant | Running Duke Bank Web Client >>
<< Creating the Bank Database Using Ant | Running Duke Bank Web Client >>

Running Duke Bank Application

Building, Packaging, and Deploying Duke's Bank
Using Ant
To compile and package the enterprise beans, application client, and web client into
, go to the tut-install/javaeetutorial5/examples/dukesbank/ directory of the
tutorial distribution and execute the command:
Run the following command to deploy dukesbank.ear:
ant deploy
This task calls the create-tables task to initialize the database tables.
Running the Duke's Bank Application Client Using
NetBeans IDE
To run the application client in NetBeans IDE, follow these steps:
1. In NetBeans IDE, select the dukesbank project in the Projects pane.
2. Right-click dukesbank and select Run Project.
3. At the login prompts, type bankadmin for the user name and javaee for the password. You
should see the application client, as shown in
Figure 37­5
You can now create customers and accounts using the application client.
Running the Duke's Bank Application Client Using Ant
To run the application client, follow these steps:
1. In a terminal window, go to tut-install/javaeetutorial5/examples/dukesbank/.
2. Enter the following command:
ant run
3. At the login prompts, type bankadmin for the user name and javaee for the password. You
should see the application client, as shown in
Figure 37­5
You can now create customers and accounts using the application client.
Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Running the Duke's Bank Application
Chapter 37 · The Duke's Bank Application