Interview Questions

When should I use the default XML namespace instead of prefixes?

XML Interview Questions and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

77. When should I use the default XML namespace instead of prefixes?

This is purely a matter of choice, although your choice may affect the readability of the document. When elements whose names all belong to a single XML namespace are grouped together, using a default XML namespace might make the document more readable. For example:

<!-- A, B, C, and G are in the namespace. -->
<A xmlns="">
<!-- D, E, and F are in the namespace. -->
<D xmlns="">
<!-- Remember! G is in the namespace. -->

When elements whose names are in multiple XML namespaces are interspersed, default XML namespaces definitely make a document more difficult to read and prefixes should be used instead. For example:

<A xmlns="">
<B xmlns="">abcd</B>
<C xmlns="">efgh</C>
<D xmlns="">
<E xmlns="">1234</E>
<F xmlns="">5678</F>
<G xmlns="">ijkl</G>

In some cases, default namespaces can be processed faster than namespace prefixes, but the difference is certain to be negligible in comparison to total processing time.

(Continued on next question...)

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