Interview Questions

How do I use XML namespaces with SAX 1.0?

XML Interview Questions and Answers

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101. How do I use XML namespaces with SAX 1.0?

The easiest way to use XML namespaces with SAX 1.0 is to use John Cowan's Namespace SAX Filter (see This is a SAX filter that keeps track of XML namespace declarations, parses qualified names, and returns element type and attribute names as universal names in the form:
For example:^SalesOrder
Your application can then base its processing on these longer names. For example, the code:
public void startElement(String elementName, AttributeList attrs)
throws SAXException
if (elementName.equals("SalesOrder"))
// Add new database record.
might become:
public void startElement(String elementName, AttributeList attrs)
throws SAXException
if (elementName.equals("^SalesOrder"))
// Add new database record.
public void startElement(String elementName, AttributeList attrs)
throws SAXException
// getURI() and getLocalName() are utility functions
// to parse universal names.
if (getURI(elementName).equals(""))
if (getLocalName(elementName).equals("SalesOrder"))
// Add new database record.
If you do not want to use the Namespace SAX Filter, then you will need to do the following in addition to identifying element types and attributes by their universal names:
* In startElement, scan the attributes for XML namespace declarations before doing any other processing. You will need to maintain a table of current prefix-to-URI mappings (including a null prefix for the default XML namespace).
* In startElement and endElement, check whether the element type name includes a prefix. If so, use your mappings to map this prefix to a URI. Depending on how your software works, you might also check if the local part of the qualified name includes any colons, which are illegal.
* In startElement, check whether attribute names include a prefix. If so, process as in the previous point.

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