Interview Questions

What is the HTTP header for SOAP ?

SOAP Interview Questions and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

What is the HTTP header for SOAP ?

The only addition to the HTTP header for SOAP is the SOAPAction.
SOAPAction: ""
This header is intended for firewalls and other network infrastructure that are aware of SOAP, especially for filtering and routing purposes. The value is a URI which identifies the action requested by this message.

Note that there hasn't been a great deal of work on specifying such issues as security, firewall processing and routing of SOAP requests. Unfortunately, SOAP's popularity has to some extent outrun the development of its infrastructure, but these issues are currently being discussed in layers above SOAP.

Netbios.exe is a NetBIOS programming sample that implements an echo server and client. The sample illustrates how a client and server should be written in order to make the application protocol and LAN Adapter (LANA) independent. It also shows how to avoid common mistakes programmers frequently make when writing NetBIOS applications under WIN32.

(Continued on next question...)

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