Interview Questions

How can I sort one list by values from another list?

Python Questions and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

How can I sort one list by values from another list?

Merge them into a single list of tuples, sort the resulting list, and then pick out the element you want.

>>> list1 = ["what", "I'm", "sorting", "by"]
>>> list2 = ["something", "else", "to", "sort"]
>>> pairs = zip(list1, list2)
>>> pairs

[('what', 'something'), ("I'm", 'else'), ('sorting', 'to'), ('by', 'sort')] >>> pairs.sort()
>>> result = [ x[1] for x in pairs ]
>>> result
['else', 'sort', 'to', 'something']

An alternative for the last step is:

result = []
for p in pairs: result.append(p[1])

If you find this more legible, you might prefer to use this instead of the final list comprehension. However, it is almost twice as slow for long lists. Why? First, the append() operation has to reallocate memory, and while it uses some tricks to avoid doing that each time, it still has to do it occasionally, and that costs quite a bit. Second, the expression "result.append" requires an extra attribute lookup, and third, there's a speed reduction from having to make all those function calls.

(Continued on next question...)

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