Interview Questions

226. In a nxn board, some nodes are black colored. Given a black node ......

Microsoft Interview Questions and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

226. In a nxn board, some nodes are black colored. Given a black node ......

In a nxn board, some nodes are black colored. Given a black node, highlight all the black node connected to this given node directly or indirectly.

maybe an answer:

Say the element that is black colored is represented by 1, and others by 0. The following program will print out all the directly/indirectly connected black colored elemented for a specified element in the matrix. The idea is to if an element is black colored, then do the same check to all it's adjacent 8 nodes.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace HighLightBlackDotInMatrix
class Program
public static void HighLightDot(int[,] matrix, int x, int y)
Console.Write("({0},{1}) ", x, y);
matrix[x, y] = -1;
private static void DoHighLightBlackDotInMatrix(int[,] matrix, int x, int y, int n)
if (x < n &&&& x >= 0 && y < n &&&& y >= 0 &&&& matrix[x,y] == 1)

HighLightDot(matrix, x, y);
DoHighLightBlackDotInMatrix(matrix, x-1, y-1, n);
DoHighLightBlackDotInMatrix(matrix, x-1, y, n);
DoHighLightBlackDotInMatrix(matrix, x-1, y+1, n);
DoHighLightBlackDotInMatrix(matrix, x, y-1, n);
DoHighLightBlackDotInMatrix(matrix, x, y+1, n);
DoHighLightBlackDotInMatrix(matrix, x+1, y-1, n);
DoHighLightBlackDotInMatrix(matrix, x+1, y, n);
DoHighLightBlackDotInMatrix(matrix, x+1, y+1, n);
static void HighLightBlackDotInMatrix(int[,] matrix, int x, int y, int n)
DoHighLightBlackDotInMatrix(matrix, x, y, n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (matrix[i, j] == -1)
matrix[i, j] = 1;

static void PrintMatrix(int[,] matrix, int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
Console.Write("{0} ", matrix[i,j]);
static void Main(string[] args)
int[,] matrix = new [,] {{1,0,0,1,0}, {1,0,1,0,1}, {0,1,1,1,0}, {0,0,0,0,0}, {1,1,1,1,1}};
Console.WriteLine("Array Dimension:{0} x {1}", matrix.Length, matrix.LongLength);
PrintMatrix(matrix, 5);
HighLightBlackDotInMatrix(matrix, 0,0, 5);
PrintMatrix(matrix, 5);

(Continued on next question...)

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